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These were the 10 biggest waves of the last giant swell in Nazare! After a day of action, the best waves can be seen here from a cinematic angle. Although this is not all that happened, there were VERY strong wipeouts, epic rescues and waves of all kinds on one of the most classic days in Praia do Norte.

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Position 01:
Surfer: Lucas Chumbo
Pilot: Ian Cosenza
Position 02:
Surfer: Pedro Scooby
Pilot: Nic Von Rupp
Position 03:
Surfer: Lucas Chumbo
Pilot: Ian Cosenza
Position 04:
Surfer: Nic Von Rupp
Pilot: Pedro Scooby
Position 05:
Surfer: Justine Dupont
Pilot: Fred David
Position 06:
Surfer: Ian Cosenza
Pilot: Lucas Chumbo
Position 07:
Surfer: Gabriel Sampaio
Pilot: Jose Carlos Molestina
Position 08:
Surfer: Lucas Chumbo
Pilot: Ian Cosenza
Position 09:
Surfer: Michelle des Bouillons
Pilot: Lucas Chumbo
Position 10:
Surfer: Tony Laureano
Pilot: Ramon Laureano

Instagram de los Surfistas y Pilotos: @lucaschumbo @iancosenza @pedroscooby @nicvoncupp @justinedupont33 @fredodavid @michelle.bouillons @silverkitesurfer @tonylaureano_surf @ramon_laureano_ @gabrielsamps

#nazare2022 #bigwavesnazare #NazaréXXLwaves #greatestwaveeversurfed
Biggest Wave Ever Surfed

Reblogged 3 years ago from


Anthony Lemkendorf says:

Looks more like water skiing in front of a big wave..

Green Bird says:

Newport Beach's wedge is more deadly.

Gluck Vs says:

Фигня, я тоже так могу только не хочу))))

Eddie King says:

How these guys can stay ahead of those waves with those brass balls weighing them down is beyond me.🤯

davidbrennan5 says:

if the engine dies on that jetski your in big trouble.

Twobarpsi says:

It's only water, not like you could get hurt 🤷‍♂️

426 SUPER BEE says:

Want to know how it fills to be slap by a waves like that. Like a building falling on ya round and round and down to the bottom you go. rolling, bouncing on the bottom, like a rubber ball , Then you come up for air. You can get hurt badly surfing. If there rocks and reefs, those waves are pushing down to the bottom. i like the sandy bottoms

Bikers On Call says:

I agree with the others, the sound of
the waves is 10 x's better than a music
sound track. There is only one perfect
surf soundtrack anyway, that's; ''Pipeline
Sequence'' from 5 Summer Stories by Honk,
and various Santana Tracks, and of
course 'Welcome to The Jungle' and…

Bikers On Call says:

I used to surf Huge 4' waves (lol) in HB, this here
is looney bins.
I don't know who is crazier, the surfers or the guys on the
jet skis. 🙂

El Maha says:

The size of the wave is an optical ilusion. The cameraman is far from the scene, lot of zoom and a good choice of focal, and the wave is bigger!

JOHN88 says:

These guys are brave to even go out there and surf amazing

Kevin Bell says:

Oban to South Uist on the top deck of a Ferry during a storm.
Me and my best pal never seen one surfer!

Dave L says:

Has to be scary. One wrong move and it can be your life.

Julius James says:

How often does a surfer get overtaken by one of those giant waves? If you do, is it guaranteed death?

John Vanderlip says:

Wonder if Garrett McNamara was out? Maybe filming for S2 of his HBO series 'The 30 Foot Wave'?

Uan says:

Bodie wood bee Styling

Jane Carroll says:


Sarah J. says:

The ocean always reminds me that we are 60% water and 40% meat

John Chase says:

Where is this??
I've never seen waves that big!

I'm surprised they wear body suits…with those huge balls and all…….

MRS. BEAN says:

How many died?

Gabriel -Bl4ckH4wK- says:

É impressão minha ou aquela ultima onda tem uns 35m? Mano, eu nao entro no mar nem com onda de 1,5m tu ta maluco!

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