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New surfboard construction unveiled: Proctor Surfboards G4E Plus – Shred Show ep. #14

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Proctor Surfboards G4E Plus. This is the Nationalized Nation of Shred.

Something new this episode – a conversation about surfboard materials, courtesy of Proctor Surfboards; who I was excited to find doing some new surfboard construction I’ve never seen.

The G4E Plus by Proctor Surfboards stands for Good For Everything. This board is a high performance shortboard, and Proctor Surfboards put some wild technology into this one. You may be familiar with Da Monsta and LIl’ Rascal models by Proctor – but most likely the G4E is something you haven’t heard of.

It’s a board for good waves, but it doesn’t need an Indo boat trip to get going. It works well in beach breaks, reef breaks, and everything from overhead barreling waves to as small as you want to surf on the low end – if you’re a good surfer.

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Daniel Bandeira says:

stop rubbing the boards

Adam Coyne says:

proctor makes good boards but they are way too expensive.

Marcus Wisdorf says:

how does it surf??

Eb1129 says:

Forget the dumpster diver !  just go buy a proctor board, you will be STOKED!!!!

grillob3 says:

skate ramps are made with skatelite  now! since maybe 16 years ago?!

Roy Stuart says:

Smoke and mirrors for the gullible, it's impossible for the flex to occur as described, also kevlar breaks down in sunlight, it takes about 12 months on a surfboard for it to become so weak that one can cut it with a fingernail.

Mervyn Tan says:

So much thought and innovation has gone into this board. Impressive.

mluman83 says:

Way of the future. Way of the future. Way of the future. Way of the future.

Shred Show says:

More flex in this one than a poly. Especially through the nose and tail. Notice how the mesh is cut to fully cover the center of the board, while it's absent at the nose and tail. The goal is stiffening up the center of the board for speed while allowing the nose and tail to bend more for turns.

danielkite says:

Hi guys, you are doing souch a good job with this show!!!!
This construction of this board seems to be really simimilar to wave/kiteboards (on surf -kiteboards the pressure on the deck is a lot more so you need a more resistant materials, even the rails looks have the same tecnology.
Personally I think it will be good for a kiteboarder to have a really resistant board, but maybe it isn't for a surfer if he has to rinunce at flexibility.
Is the flex of this board the same as poliester boards?

juxier says:

this construction seems similar to futureflex

Stu Visuals says:

Well, thanks. I may just spend 1,000 bucks now. haha. Awesome vid brah!

TheGreenhoffa says:

Proctor pipsqueak looks good , liked to see review on it . Keep up the great vids guys!

Jason Cairelli says:

Would these boards last longer than your standard fibreglass board? Do you know if they would be more resilient to snapping?

Tjalling Bergsma says:

Great videos, learning a lot.

Shred Show says:

Aloha! If you've got pics of the boards you've made, send em my way. [email protected]

Rccrazy77 says:

with the five fin step up or do what is the diffrents between 4 fin with the littie fin in the middle and 3 fins

Rccrazy77 says:

u should do a review on the al merrick semi pro 12 thank you

Luke Hagen says:

Ordered my G4E+ just over a month ago, and can't wait!! I have a 5' 7" Da Monsta and love it. Proctor boards are insane!!!!!!!

David Cross says:

I've watched every episode and really dig the show; you do a great job. In fact I have recommended it to all my friends who surf unfortunately that is just one other person. Regarding this episode, the last board I had shaped for me (Sunset Shapers, SF) I got the higher density ESP foam and I really like it. It has a richer feeling as if you are more connected to the wave.

Lucas Wiggins says:

Can we get a review of the Channel Islands Gravy. Thanks bro, you're the best.

fermin torres zavaleta says:

ive learnt more with your videos than in my 10 years of surfing. Thanks the real explanations and not just the "numbers". keep it going. greetings from argentina

Shred Show says:

If you look on the blog I mention that some of the tech on this board is so top secret we can't discuss it on film. FCS asked us to hold of on talking about the new fin boxes, since they still don't even have a release date for them. Treat this as an early glimpse.

Daniel M says:

Mannnn you had the fcs II system and you didn't even talk about it! Great review as always

alexander carvahal says:

Sweet review, man. Intresting work that goes into that board.

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