Coming to the end of the season right now, it’s been a long season.
Big, Clean…. probably the best so far!
We had over 20 Big waves sessions this year, everyone is hurting, and everyone is broken.
l usually never get hurt, but this year I bruised my ribs badly at the WSL Challenge, made a huge effort to surf 2 weeks later on the historic Feb 25th Swell and on my Second Wave I fractured a part of my shoulder.
Every year there is the same talk. And honestly, this is the worst part about Surfing Big waves. It’s when everyone starts pulling out their measurement tapes and the battle starts.
Who Surfed the biggest wave? Who rode it deeper? That’s not the part I like the most, but we are in a competitive sport, and that requires a winner. What I feel is wrong is that less and less there is a rule book on how waves should be measured. Everyone. just screams as loud as they can and those who scream the loudest get the publics’ attention.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments what are your thought on this matter!
Get My Von Froth Collection:
Filmed by
Ricardo Pina
Edited by
Ricardo Pina
Carmo Raposo
Additional Footage
Gastão Entrudo
Maquina Voadora
Ian Tavares
Laurent Pujol
Nuno Dias
Carlos Moriongol
Paul Taublieb
Pedro Correia
Mendo Dornellas
Kenny Kemp
Pedro Motas
Margarita Salyak
Production assistant
Carmo Raposo
A range finder on a drone flying at wave crest level beaming down to the trough. A good pilot with that tech will stop the freak show claims.
Love this guy bitching that his hundred foot wave was too mushy

As the big wave goat Laird Hamilton said, how and where on the wave the surfer is matters. People can`t claim a 25+ meter wave when they barley scratch the outside of these waves, it takes the thrill away from this rare gifts. They waste the waves and then claiming insane numbers but were they surfed it it`s maybe not even 10 meters maximum. I`m not surfing so 10 meters is insane in it self but not anywere near this record numbers. Only a handful surf Nazare for real with deep lines and not letting these gifts go to waste.
Happy days
Aloha Nic, just wanted to congratulate you on another epic season mate. You've been killing it for years. Personally, I think it's pretty obvious that you and Chumbo are the two best surfers out there. With that said, many other legends charges very f %^&ing hard as well. I don't think there was anything north of 80' this year. Stay humble (that is what makes you cool brother), heal up and be safe. Cheers and mahalo for taking us along for the epic ride.
100% agree bro, the way a wave breaks out there is way more important. To be fair to Mason Barnes in an interview where they were asking him if he had broken the record he downplayed that wave and said he had a way more scary wave the last time he was there. Media hyped it up way too much!
None of those waves look over 60ft. Too much hype but where the surfer is at the time on the wave and where the lip is directly above them is all that matters. You riding a 60ft wave out on the shoulder where it's 20ft is riding a 20foot wave. Sorry to burst your bubble
you're losing your wetty tan line. heal up quickly!
nem mais bro!!
Yes Nic!! Your videos are super inspiring! Keep them coming
Wow Nic super mad respect
TBH i don't get all that talk about size and records. When we saw that picture of Laird years ago nobody cared to know how many feet. It was huge and beautiful, it's all that mattered. You rode some amazing waves this year, every reason to be happy !