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One Second Saved His Life 🤯

Professional Red Bull watersports athlete Lucas Fink rescues a surfer from a big wave

Reblogged 1 month ago from


@sharoncassell5273 says:

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

@BobbieGunter-un8uc says:

❤❤ God bless! Thank you Lord Jesus are saving this man in this wonderful life card and they have a wonderful life. Thank you amen❤❤❤

@sportzrunner says:

Wow‼️Thats what i call a lifeguard.‼️♥️🙏💋😎

@jaehoyoon7061 says:

Just curious. Is that wave dangerous enough to threaten one’s life? No knowledge of surfing here.

@Chellyglutefiary says:


@Rayray.1994 says:

Not one lie was told in the title!

@bonniewallbank71 says:

Holey Moley!

@orionm427 says:

Nice I wish that would’ve been me and then not me 😂😂😂😂

@prabhakarantheboss says:

Put on the interstellar music (Miller's planet) and its perfection

@recantodosribeiroshop5473 says:

Surfers are all crazy. They are very brave!😂

@riffsthatkill2180 says:

looks like they are riding on snow towards the end.

@annamilaleite8322 says:

I have so many nightmares like this

@Faseela-w8g says:

When god can save your life

@trysam says:

She is amazing, sharp insight the happeness on her face after saving the child is amazing she is pretty very ❤

@gabydh62 says:


@drzaryunelia7966 says:

Yes indeed,No human can ever be fight with the mother nature,whenever something happens that because purely by the will of Almighty God.
Even 1 neno second can keep you out from the mouth of death.
Praise to God Almighty who is real saviour and friend in need.

@Nasilevi says:

The guy literally cruised from heavens door to earth 😅

@wycount says:

Das beweist wieder einmal, dass der Mensch da nichts zu suchen hat.

@carol-lynnecampbell3870 says:

Imagine having to hold onto a rollercoaster ride with just your arms 😮❤🥇

@jameswgrossjr383 says:

It looks like they went from a giant wave to an avalanche. You can keep that mess.

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