Sprinter Van SUP Rack For Surfboards, Paddle Boards, Kayaks, And Ladders (VertiRack)

In this YouTube video Sergei Boutenko reviews the Vertirack, a Mercedes Sprinter van rack made to carry surfboards, paddle boards, kayaks, and ladders. This SUP rack system mounts to the side of your vehicle to allow for easier loading and unloading. If you’d like to know more about the VertiRack, visit: http://www.vertirack.com.

Additional links:


Generic on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2inGIT0
OEM c-rails on eBay: https://goo.gl/3RNEqe
OEM from dealer: http://www.mbmedford.com


RV Doctor (Rogue Valley): https://www.facebook.com/The-RV-Doctor-767061433378707/

Happy hunting!

To learn more about me personally head to: http://www.sergeiboutenko.com

I also have a book about wild edibles: https://amzn.com/1583946020

Finally, go check out my documentaries:
I Want Abs (https://vimeo.com/ondemand/iwantabs)
Common Weeds And Wild Edibles Of The World (https://vimeo.com/ondemand/wildedibles)
Powered By Green Smoothies (https://vimeo.com/ondemand/greensmoot…)

Reblogged 7 years ago from www.youtube.com

Misfit Shapes NU WAVR Surfboard Review | Compare Surfboards

A bad mofo modern single/multi-fin setup, the Misfit Shapes NU WAVR Surfboard Review + Futures Haydenshapes Fins is ideal if you want to mixup your surfing MO.

A cruisy, down-the-line rocket, the Nu Wavr can be turned but this bad boy is all about the glide. Great for a mixup on your small days and, apparently, quite content as a single fin charger for big Puerto barrels…

Hope you enjoy this Misfit Shapes NU WAVR Surfboard Review + Futures Haydenshapes Fins!

All the best,

+ See the Full Review with Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Model Comparisons, Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images and More: stay tuned…


+ Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Deals & Updates Direct from Benny and CompareSurfboards.com: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToFrothMail


Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers?

Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see?

Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice?

You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion.

Welcome to Benny’s Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now!

If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place.

Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week.

Visit http://www.CompareSurfboards.com/ for full reviews, news, articles and more!

Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show.


All the best,

Reblogged 7 years ago from www.youtube.com

Lost Surfboards Puddle Jumper Review (BRAND NEW) no.112 | Compare Surfboards

This sumptuous surfboard review is for the Lost Surfboards Puddle Jumper Review (BRAND NEW). Since hearing Lost Surfboards founder, Matt Biolos, talk about his ‘go to’ small wave board – the brand new Lost Puddle Jumper – I have been dying to try this thing. Make sure you subscribe and never miss a video: https://www.youtube.com/user/CompareSurfboards?sub_confirmation=1
To watch other Surfboards videos, Click here: https://goo.gl/ENQ9Dn

+ Full Write Up: http://bit.ly/LostPuddleJumperReview

The promise of a board that strikes the right balance between wave catching ability and speed generation in tiny to small surf while still feeling lively, precise and manoeuvrable has yet to be fully realised.

This board nails it. It paddles like a beast, handles bigger waves and steep drops and feels fast and nimble through turns. This is the Lost Puddle Jumper review. I hope you enjoy it!

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+ See the Full Review with Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Models Comparisons and More: http://bit.ly/LostPuddleJumperReview

+ Subscribe to Get the Latest Reviews, Tips & Updates Direct from Benny and CompareSurfboards.com: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToFrothMail


Looking for a source of real, honest, objective information about surfboards and surfing products – based on actual experience from surfers?

Do you have a surfboard problem? Want to ride every shape and design of surfboard you see?

Need friendly advice on what product may work for you in a world of choice?

You’re not alone. There is a community of surfers here who are like you and are here to share the passion.

Welcome to Benny’s Boardroom: REAL surfboard reviews & chronicles of a wave obsessed surfboard addict. New surfboard reviews each week, subscribe now!

If you’re a passionate surfer, are just trying to find out how a given surfboard or wetsuit will work for you or if you simply can’t resist the desire to ride every different shape and design of surfboard you see, you are in the right place.

Subscribe now to get access to the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware reviews each week.

Visit http://www.CompareSurfboards.com/ for full reviews, news, articles and more!

Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy the show.


All the best,

Reblogged 7 years ago from www.youtube.com

Fish: The Surfboard Documentary

COR Surf Surfboard Wall Rack for Long Boards and Short Boards Works Indoor and Outdoor Display – Made from Eco Friendly Sustainable Wood

For 14 years COR has been the leader in surfboard storage! The COR Single board Surfboard Rack is made of 100% solid, dark-stained wood with a protective rubber strip to protect your board from dings and scratches. Show off your board while keeping it safe! The COR Single Rack will hold long boards, short boards and is also great for wake boards, snowboards, and kite boards. Comes with all mounting hardware. All you need to do is find the stud in the wall and you are good to go. Show-off your board in style with COR! All orders come with a moneyback guarantee. If the wood is damage in any way while shipping just contact us and we will get a replacement out the next day!

Product Features

  • Works great for hanging longboards, shortboards, snowboards, kiteboards, and wakeboards
  • Dark stained wood for storing and displaying your prized surf collection
  • Looks great both indoors and out!
  • Protective Rubber Strip to Protect your rails
  • Simple design allows for quick installation. Comes with all mounting hardware.

Reblogged 7 years ago from www.amazon.com