How To Survive the Wave Impact Zone! (Hawaiian Shorebreak)

Koa Smith explains how to survive the struggle of the wave impact zone. Wether you’re a beginner or experienced surfer who’s had a gnarly wipeout, or just a swimmer out of your depth, this tutorial will help you handle yourself in big waves. #surfing #howto #hawaii

Filmed at Keiki Beach on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii.

Filmed and edited by Michael Veltman

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The Smith Brothers channel insist that no one attempt to re-create or re-enact any stunt or activity performed in this video. This video is for educational purposes only and to help those who are in a serious situation. The Smith Brothers and the producers of this video are in no way held liable for any injury or death. If in doubt, don’t go out!

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Surfing One of the World's Most Dangerous Waves 👀

Kai Lenny tackles one of the biggest (and most dangerous) waves on the planet: Mavericks. With two wave hold downs, in shark infested waters at a reef that literally drags you to the bottom of the ocean, Mavericks is one of the most terrifying waves on earth.

Dive into what makes the Northern California big wave mecca tick in the latest episode of #LifeofKai, now live! Don’t miss out:

#KaiLenny #Mavericks #XXLSurfing #BigWaveSurfing

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Watch Kalani Lattanzi Bodysurf ‘Fun and Playful’ Nazaré

Today was pretty dang amazing! To any mortal human, these waves are huge, dangerous, and freezing cold! BUT, Kalani Lattanzi is no average Joe. This is still considered fun and playful Nazare for Kalani. Just watching him paddle out directly in to oncoming sets is a sight to see. I asked Kalani before he paddled out where he was planning on entering the surf (some people use rip currents, or low sections to make paddling out easier), he simply said “I was just going to go straight down the middle”. …Oh… Of course, what was I thinking.

As the Double, and occasional Triple overhead sets rolled through, I just tried to keep up with my camera and drone. I spent most of the day laughing to myself when Kalani told me after he exited the water, “I have a lot of friends out in the water, friends that will give me a hand when I need it, I know these guys, but I think they like me best because I don’t wear any floatation when I’m in the water.” Nearly every other person that surfs Nazare wears a life jacket, inflatable vest, or even a helmet. It dawned on me that he just wears a wetsuit, fins, and a handplane… thats it. Got to be able to duck under waves!

Thats just a small window in to an average day for this hard charger. There’s plenty more videos like this on the way.

SUBSCRIBE and LIKE the video! It really helps me keep creating content for you guys! Aloha, and Mahalo!

Make sure to head over to and pick up a pair of fresh shades! Tell them JacuzziSurfer sent you!

If you like what you saw, please make sure to drop by my Patreon page and consider becoming a Patreon! It would greatly help me on this voyage. Only costs $1 Thanks for all the support!

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Kelly Slater @ Peahi Jaws 2016 SONY 4K

First Time Big Wave Session For Kelly Slater @ Peahi Jaws 2016

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Massive Monsters

So in this edit we feature my second home Nazare in Portugal. The home of the worlds largest ridable wave. Nazare is one of those places that you expect to see plenty of that kind of thing. ‘Big Massive Monsters’ as Pato Teixeira says.

This film is really a short documentary rather than a short clip.

I wanted to present a full wrap up of this historic day. Interviews before and after to really paint the story of how it was expected and and how it all went down.

On every big swell event there, if the storm is big enough and coming from the right direction and arrives with the right winds & weather there’s a possible chance of riding the biggest wave ever ridden. Most of these surfing gladiators are after this moment.

A Guinness World Record is as good as World Title and to get it is for some is the pinnacle of the sport.

Since i recorded this vision a number of World Records have been suggested.

Nazare is really the ultimate test of man/women riding beast. It’s the preparation, it’s the timing, it’s the team, it’s the beat downs and with a bit of luck it’s the adulation of riding the biggest wave of your life.

Leave a comment if can and let me know who you think rides the biggest wave.

This film shows this. Enjoy..

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