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RED CHARGERS: Biggest Wave Ever Paddled at Nazaré?

The biggest, most critical wave ever paddled at Nazaré? Will Skudin perseveres as he paddles, wipes out and swims to shore after riding a North Canyon monster.

Perseverance Award Entry: December 24, 2015

Reblogged 7 years ago from


Bread and Circuses says:

"biggest ever wave PADDLED", but you don't show the paddle ? or the wave approaching etc, just to shave approx 5 secs off the clip ?

Why ?

Hayd says:

unlucky at the end.

thomas fawcett says:

not only did he paddle into it and go over the falls. The safety ski and the spotters on the hill couldn't locate him for a safe rescue so he took another set wave on the head and then swam to the beach. I think this is easily the biggest wave ever paddled, the board he is riding is a 10"6' so measure the board into the wave and you get beyond 61ft. YYEEWWWWW yeah will!!

Tor Marquis says:

What would be the appropriate response for seeing that close out section comin up at you? Dive off down the wave?  I did that once on a 5 fcoot (from the back) Blacks wave and broke my ear drum.  I think the way he took it was fair, since he went over the falls without the lip landing on his head , which would knock him senseless.  When you dive off landing at an angle, you have to make sure you penetrate and go really really deep.  I wonder how long the hold down

toreropalido says:

Slow mo is lame. Let's see it in real time already.

XTreme Video says:

Over the falls at Nazaré is intense!

Richard says:

This kills the surfer.

Jeff Parker says:

Please show him come up for air! I want to see how long he is under water. Mahalo's

Taylor Reeves says:

Haha him and his big balls got swallowed by the wave

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