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Santa Cruz man rides potential record wave

A Santa Cruz man may ride into the history books for taking on what could be the world’s largest wave ever surfed. Marianne Favro reports.

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@rocschmidt4863 says:

The wave may or may not have been 108 feet. Regardless, that wave at Mavericks that day was rare. Every surfer who finds out about this wishes they rode that wave. Thumbs up for the man who had the privilege of riding that wave.

@ravkohn1932 says:

Most waves come from New Jersey, with a select few being generated online, in a studio in Montclair, Essex county. Before that, they were mostly just hangers on, and spent their summers in Hoboken. You're welcome. 😮😅

@AaronAustin-d9i says:

8 foot Hawaiian, brah.

@t-virusterrance4734 says:

Hello, Humans
Most humans struggle in life, because their minds are not strong. Always use those around you, as examples of what not to be. Be strong mentally and everything can be forced into place.


@nachc6459 says:

Vaya con dios 😂

@Zen_Techniques says:

I'm not a surfer but this picture gives me the chills. This guy is lucky to be alive. Amazing.

@johncholmes643 says:

Totally tubular bro

@spojce9 says:

with all due respect, no fucking way is that the record wave. it's not 108 feet or whatever. if it's deemed to be bigger than those nazare waves the measurement system is a joke

@kennguyen1594 says:

Never knew the bay area could have such big waves. I've see some crazy ones in Portugal. This one is clearly with the top ones.

@m8trxd says:

Climate change is predicted to cause unprecedented suffering and political strife. And then there is this guy

@LV-bl6jc says:


@AtortAerials says:

Doesn’t look 108’ but who knows. Glad he’s stoked.

@YouB3anz says:

now this is news

@cumpian76 says:

Good stuff brother…
"Live and ride like Jay"

@andrewhughes9749 says:

Dealing with the speed of a wave that big is definitely the biggest challenge

@Mylesv2 says:

This is big but not bigger than Nazare are yall insane😭😭😭😭it's not even close

@johnskibajr5691 says:

Surfing history that is and only of import to those interested in that niche activity. A bit different from important historical events.

@Hayden-sp1ol says:

NO VIDEO…..?!?! Was not 108 ft. Drop in was edge of wave….much smaller. Sick one but NOT biggest wave ever ridden….!!!!! LOL

@wagdog2 says:

Another day of thrills for me.
If my child grows up without a father, it's not my problem

@highcheese4429 says:

Florida man, meet Santa Cruz man.

@jamesdalton7191 says:

Point Break 🌊

@chinookvalley says:

One with Nature. Far out dude.

@M3Vader says:

Yeee boyyyy 🤙

@lushoberg8052 says:

Wow! That is awesome! Are you brave (for sure) or crazy (probably) or a bit of both?

@NostradamusJr says:

You’re gonna tell us about the biggest wave surfed and all yall got is still pics? The fuh! Give us the damn video

@lindabryant4292 says:

Yup! Santa Cruz IS the Surfing Capital of the West. Wow! What an astounding image!

@gemthomas says:

Shout out to the construction workers in the US doing big things

@Onlythatfunkyshit says:

That thing is a monster

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