Scooter Money

For many surfers, Indonesia is the most important item to check off of their surf-travel bucket list. Indo has come to symbolize perfect waves, exotic culture, and merciful exchange rates. But when you’re chasing waves through Indonesian isles, it isn’t always as simple as all that. Recently, Torrey Meister, Ian Crane, Luke Davis, and Balaram Stack hopped a plane to Sumbawa and found rippable waves, but also had some run-ins with the notorious Indonesian “Scooter Mafia,” running scams up and down the coast.

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Reblogged 7 years ago from


Carl, the black one says:

Name of the last song?


Old Habbitts says:

Oh Ya! Let's have fun fun FUN! I've always loved the water But? Tried surfing a few times as well as body surfing when I was holidaying in Hawii a lot of work & man did I have RAW nipples so went back 2 tanning (that was tuff enough)lol back to watching babes n surfur's n they should all be camendid for what they do I've got balls but not 4 surfing maybe next life n U did a hell of a job putting this together Thanks 4sharing!

Nebula Widya says:

omg im dying

Cameron David says:

That ender was rediculous

eeyore says:

classic video. music went perfectly with this footage imo.

Antonio Michael says:

This just reminds me of how bad at surfing I am ?

Jocky Rohnson says:


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