Shark Attacks Mick Fanning at J-Bay Open

Shark attack at the 2015 ‪#‎JBayOpen‬.
Thankfully, Mick Fanning is unharmed.
The event has been canceled.
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Reblogged 9 years ago from


magorkel says:

I would fully taken a steamy dump in my wetsuit if that happened to me.

Street-Buzz says:

can anyone subscribe here ?

Mihai Georgescu says:

Super pro. Mick !!!

Ren Semon says:

sharks are the most scary thing, object, figment, shark in the universe

Nathan N says:

Smosh Every shark attack ever.

Isidro Amador says:

there's only want explanation he survived, the shark wasn't hungry at all.

黄瑞 says:


BABTOU 85 says:


Sean Kearns says:

joel turpel has no idea what thats like. Potts definitely does

V4SILEV says:

Meanwhile in Atlantis : Shark Punched by Mick Fanning for no reason at all.

lecoqw says:

I hope the Shark is fine..

Mighty Max Power says:

i feel a lil bad for owen wright cause his 2 perfect 20 heats are gonna get over shadowed for the moment of the year

Ron Scrollins says:

The interviewer on the boat was an idiot.

mythoughtwhatyousay1 says:

He's very lucky, no injury and no surfboard bite..

dinged2000 says:

shark death smell anti shark spray would be best applied throughout event to prevent this issue

Valesca Albuquerque says:


MidoTV Adventure says:

Subscribed ! =) That guy is so lucky ..its not his time yet. glad he's Ok, Nice channel.

Magic mirror says:

This week begins the season of giant waves in Portugal, Nazaré!

WarBob56565 says:

But what kind, what kind of shark

Göktuğ Kaya says:

Why do people organize a surfing event in notoriously shark-infested waters risking the lives of young athletes ? Can anybody explain? Thanks in advance.

GhivenGuru says:

I know I just witnessed a man almost being eaten alive by a shark, but all I could see and think was..


brobeans 21 says:

He said it did not attack him

dji zzah says:

I thought that guy was about to say "Get to the chopper!!"

Harris Sharif says:

I was in the Maldives when I saw this video and was scared shitless to go snorkelling by myself for the rest of my holiday after seeing this XD scary shit

1brettsnyder says:

I'm no uber macho guy, but not much scares me either. Except mean big ass sharks lol. Scare the shit outta me. Fuck that shit.

Robert .Hartley says:

This wasn't a shark attack! If the shark had been interested in eating him, Mick would be dead. Sharks attack from below and don't fart around. This was a shark getting a little too close and, as Mick says, getting caught in his leg rope. You can see it thrash around to get loose then disappearing.

Average Ping says:

Did they know what shark it is? It kinda looks like a tiger shark.

Nit Ram says:

4:48 Arnold Schwarzenegger???

Sean Achelliz says:

lots of shark -.-

Joseph Gilliam says:

Why do dummies go in the water with sharks or go camping with grizzlies? Nature gives 2 fuks about your past times

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