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Shark surfer caught on camera: Aussie kid surfs over 8-foot long Great White Shark – TomoNews

NELSON, BAY AUSTRALIA — An Aussie kid had an unexpected spectator to his surfing session on Tuesday afternoon in the form of a great white shark.

Chris Hasson was taking photographs of his son Eden catching some waves near Nelson Bay in Australia, reported Australian newspaper the Newcastle Herald. But he noticed something rather fishy lurking beneath the surface.

Some thought it was a school of fish, but it turned out to be an 8-foot long great white shark.

In a Facebook post Chris said the shark was having a good look at Eden’s yummy yellow wet suit.

Amazingly, the encounter didn’t scare Chris or his son who was back out the very next day.

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Reblogged 8 years ago from


Huur Rodjini says:

underwater shit storm

242SLICK242 says:

tomo news falling off and getting annoying af G

Josiah Henrict says:

Oh diversity.

Blurryface 2.0 says:

on the seal he probably didn't wanna leave because he wanted too eat all the fish

Brad Lutes says:

can I borrow a marker? I need to black out 'surfing' on my bucket list.

Audi 44 says:

crazy dad camera beach boy old 8? if shark eat you . fucking austaria beach shark attack

electronics for fun says:

yummy yellow wetsuit? don't you mean green? his wetsuit looks green to me.

theBFFclub 123 says:

Ok the first one was cool

Just Wayne says:

Wish you guys would post real video too if it's available.

Charles Roque says:

Who cares, shitty parenting, wow using your kid for shark bait!!

Destinee Lucio says:

TomoNews US why did you guys change your logo?

Raziel says:

rip ahead of time

My name Tony flamingo says:

If that was my son, the only thing he'll be surfing is the Internet

Weeb Fag says:


Nasir Johnson says:

Letting your 8 year old kid play in Shark infested waters = Great Parenting

Paulfuss Entertainment says:

Wow! Cool!

NuclearGrizzly says:

This is why my people don't swim.

kevjtnbtmglr says:

no intros

Loose says:

seen it on 7news a few hours ago

Cadhla O Dwyer says:

Love Vid guys!

GalacticGamerWolf says:

Omg 5th comment

Cadhla O Dwyer says:

Cool Vid I love the Animation

Cadhla O Dwyer says:

Cool Vid I love the Animation!!!

Cadhla O Dwyer says:

Cool Vid I love The Animation!!

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