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Shred Show – The Ledge by Album Surfboards

You can surf the Ledge featured in this episode if you’re a Quivers member in Huntington Beach beginning this Monday (Feb 1st). For more on Quivers, vist

Album Ledge

See tons of pictures of this board being surfed, and special angles of all the different color combinations and designs Matt Parker has used when creating these boards, by clicking here:

See video footage of Otto Flores on an Album Ledge here:

More on Quivers

I love Quivers concept because they stock boards by Hayden, …Lost, T Patterson and more in a wide variety of dimensions. Members pay a monthly fee and get to switch and swap boards as often as they like – It’s kind of like having a hundred boards in your garage, or like having Netflix for surfboards.

You can find the Album Ledge as featured in this episode at Quivers beginning February 1st.

Their address is:
1611 Alabama Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92406

Their phone number is:

And you can see them on Instagram here:

Email them at [email protected]

And see their website here:

Shred Show

Find Shred Show on Instagram @shredshow

To receive more than just what you see on YouTube, sign up for the Shred Nation list here:

Thank you DaKine, Quivers, and Finatic for supporting the Shred Show community through their sponsorship of this episode. Thank you Album for giving me the board in this video without charge. All my expressed opinions are my own.

Reblogged 7 years ago from


Shon Doyle says:

I think I saw a guy dropping in on some bombs at blacks last year.

Jake Keville says:

Love the new set up, would you go quad or thruster on a step up?

janelamarela says:

That's a review bra! Awesome!

Paco Lino says:

i love mixin it up a little
keep it up

JOK says:

Review the GSI 7S Slipstream! Or 7S Saltshaker..

Mat Nardone says:

I think the mashup is Great. I didn't agree with everything he said, but that's fine!
I wouldn't want to spend 30 minutes hearing someone gush, but getting insight and feedback directly from shapers is awesome. I spent time on the Album website after, they have some really nice looking boards. Look forward to more!

Matt Paley says:

Yes good format. Works for me. Thanks CG!

Mark Wagener says:

Seems very similar to a board that would usually be set up as a single fin. How would riding it a a thruster, like this board is, compare to the single fin set up

Nathan Green says:

this is sweet you get to see the shapers point of view plus your down to earth WHAT IT REALLY MEANS stuff. sick vid

Robert McKinley says:

I would like to donate to the fire alarm battery switch. Seriously, don't shoot a interview with some random beep going off. Easy fix dude, just sayin…

Oshri Sudri says:

Great video as usual! Good interview with Matt Parker, amazing shaper. It's work good like that. Keep doing đŸ‘Œ. Thank you ✌

Martin Estevez says:

I always wondered how much of the concepts you share on each episode was intel from the shaper itself and how much was deducted by you! I actually think this mix between classic shred shows and the interview format it's great for us to get a clear idea of the boards and shapes you share!
Keep mixing it up and working the way around the shows!
Great work!

Tim Harding says:

Would love to see how this board works as a single fin.

Jonathan Bailey says:

Great show! Mixing in some footage of people surfing the board – maybe explaining some principles behind the design that are showcased in the footage – would be sick!

Haddon Gelai says:

Excellent episode. Thanks for keeping it refreshing, Chris.

Marcos Kedor says:

can we see a video of you surfing?

Dj Gorenberg says:

Love the setup of all the new videos how its more of a vlog as you go and do your thing and visit other places. This was pretty cool too because we got to hear what you thought of the board as well as the shapers view. loving your vids still!

Stanley Kolimago says:

Even though this does not relate to the video can you make a video describing how to pick out the pair of fins for different boards and conditions

AfroThunder says:

This video was great! Love the board reviews. Really love the interviews. Keep doing your thing. Whatever you post….I'm gonna watch.

Cole Batliner says:

do more like this

Daniel Parkhurst says:

This works!

Pasquale Calvi says:

Great format!

Sean Greene says:

heck yea, great format. keep doin this

Ben Ryan says:

Please do his supersede model!

Adrian Ramirez says:

I enjoyed this one. Keep them coming

Sherkhan says:

…and I hope somebody changed the battery in that chirping smoke detector.

Sherkhan says:

It's cool to have the shaper's opinion on a board you're showing, but the remaining shred talk content could have been its own shaper related episode… I vote keeping them separate, but do like specific board comments by the shaper in the board review…

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