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Simon McCoy shows enthusiasm over surfing dogs…

BBC News presenter Simon McCoy providing all the enthusiasm this story about surfing dogs deserves.

Reblogged 7 years ago from


jabbabbabba says:

He'd rather run a story on British dental hygiene? Oh wait, there isn't any. ahhahahhahaa

MikeMJPMUNCH says:

This reminds me of when Jeremy Paxman had to do the weather reports.

Entry Fragger says:

"Now you're watching BBC News" In his mind "Even I can hardly believe it"

Guillermo St says:

0:44 That's a shame, we've run out of pictures…'
If I were the producer of the news, I'd give him the footage of the whole dog contest to talk about the following day. ?

Burt Reynolds says:

I could feel him cringe before "top dog" came out

OrkYeh says:

That balancing skill though.. ???

ThePleb420 says:

Colbert brought me here!

Tory Brains says:

0:28 That sigh LOL. Don't blame him, this isn't news worthy, no matter how cute it is.

ElectricJohnny says:

He's paid over a hundred grand a year to read text off the front of a camera. He's not paid to be a pantomime dame!

Steenk says:

Oh, poor guy: bored out of his upper middle class brains reading the news for the BBC in a Marvin the Paranoid Android monotone.

I actually thought that the dog surfing was the highlight of this so-called news channel's daily diet of cold unappetising porridge. Usually, it's Prince George this, Prince George that, or doom and gloom about Brexit, or something about the Indian subcontinent (so useful and fascinating for viewers living in the UK).

Anyhow, chin up, Simon. It could be worse: you could be a cleaner at Victoria Station wiping the lavatory seats spick and span and trying to flush the latest pungent dump of a commuter who seemingly eats cork.

Tiberio Sempronio Gracco says:

I truly love the british way to say without words that you hate something, it is absolutely great.

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