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Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer #1 (2017) | Movieclips Trailers

Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer #1 (2017): Check out the FIRST trailer for reboot of the Spider-Man franchise starring Robert Downey Jr., Marisa Tomei and Tom Holland! Be sure to be the first to check out more trailers and movie teasers/clips dropping soon @MovieclipsTrailers.

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A young Peter Parker/Spider-Man begins to navigate his newfound identity as the web-slinging superhero.

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Reblogged 8 years ago from


Big Hoss204 says:

Never has a Batman quote been so real : " You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. "
Keaton there played Batman and now Vulture : EVIL AND GOOD, WOW. <("_")>


Youtube Red Sucks says:

1:59 spiderman reference

retard gaming says:

Why Tim halaond he looks so bad


I can relate to him when he is walking through school and everybody was bumping in to him and he has to hide those abs happened to me all the time #nerdswithabbs

Monkey Butt-Cheeks says:

I was scrolling through the comments and noticed every one is people arguing that this movie will suck or be great. (I personally think it looks really good) but I was surprised to notice no one mentioning the music with this trailer. Which is Time To Pretend by MGMT. I love the 2 indie rockers and was pleasantly surprised to find their song in this trailer.

Taurus27 Wiggins says:

a time when heroes become legends.

EmanuelWOLB says:

I like the looks of this Spider-Man movie but Andrew garfields Spider-Man movie is better

WorldRomers LiveOn says:


Diamond Burke says:

his spider on his costume is soo small it bothers me

TheGamingFox 12 says:

this doesnt look great to be honest. for starters i was hoping for an amazing Spider-Man 3 since its obvious at the end of the second there would be. number 2, it looks like a bloody pg like look at his outfit, look at who plays him.

HipHop Media says:

You guys are losers , Sits alone at lunch table

Lekha 94 says:

I dont know. but somehow I dont like this.

Maryame Eloumari says:

I'm gonna accept this movie just because that GWEN dies at the end we can't do spiderman 3 without her and i don't wan't this super hero to die too !!but i didn't like the caracters i mean Zendeya in spidermmen !!! this movie lost his serious !!!!sorry for my English!!

Joseph Godbold says:

Joseph. 2

iClaxy PvP says:

My costume is very bad

Red Toxic_Dragon22 says:

it looks nice.

Adhitya Wyratama says:

bruhh..spiderman 2 tobey is still the best

AL3X Pascual says:

can I get 20 likes for my dog birthday

JT Super Rider says:

Technically marvel had to reboot spider man toMake him good. Sony/Toby maguire/Andrew Garfield/ =crap

Joaquin Garcia says:

July 7 it's muy birthday yeeeeey
el 7 de julio es mi cumpleaños yeeeeey buen regalo

Spiderninja1 says:

July? JULY?! You expect me to wait until JULY until I see my favorite superhero?!

xiJason says:

This is the stuff I wanna see when I type in "Spiderman" into the YouTube search bar. Not Spider-Man and Elsa videos…

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