Surf pro fights off S.Africa shark attack on live TV

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An Australian surfing champion fights back against a shark attack on live television during a competition in South Africa, escaping from the terrifying scene without injury. Duration: 01:09

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Tylor Johansson says:

The shark found his fucking stupid Australian accent too unbearable to carry through with his attack.

Orlando Villegas says:

shark attack así se hace amigo sufista, no hay que dejarse vencer por la adversidad, así sea esta un tiburón, para eso hay que tener bolas, te felicito y pa" lante es para allá,te mereces una MEDALLA POR ARRECHO Y POR CORAJUDO.tienes un 10..y MEDALLA DE ORO

4Is2See says:

Lots of shark attacks lately.

Nite Explorer says:

the shark didn't like the taste of him that's why he got away,

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