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Surfboard Building, shaping, glassing, making surfboards

Surfboard Building Instructional videos. Visit

Reblogged 7 years ago from


Chasingwaves says:

Dude ! all i have to say is HEAVY !! .. YEWWWW

Michael Volpe says:

Hey brotha, loved the video! nice job, the board looks awesome! What grit sandpaper did you use to sand the entire board after you put the fin boxes in?

Will Jakicevich says:

I feel inspired!!! awesome video, crap music though hahahaha shakashaka

kaleb alaimo says:

how do you measure the rocker? i just dont get itΒ 

maddog69 -_- says:

Ok thanks. I think there is a bit of confusion in wights of glass. Because 4oz in woven glass on surf site is 125g. But if I ordered 1.5 oz chopped strand I would get 450g. Ok now I know what weights we are talking about πŸ˜‰ very light

maddog69 -_- says:

4oz glass seems very heavy to me. It doesn't look like a heavy glass you are using? 2oz I think is equivalent to 600g that would be the heaviest woven glass we use in dinghy building.

Dan-K says:

haha Pleasure mate!!!

RoboTekno says:

Thanks for the info Epic Guy πŸ˜›

Dan-K says:

it ranges to be honest, it can be as small as half an inch to an inch and a half, but generally stringers are smaller rather than bigger, grain can vary but generally runs in between the both, doesnt usually matter though πŸ™‚

RoboTekno says:

Gotcha, thanks for the reply! πŸ™‚ What thickness balsa is normally used and does the grain run parallel or perpendicular to the board's length?

Dan-K says:

you generally buy a blank a foot or so longer than you want your board to be, and yes the spine is called a stringer and its usually made from balsa. boards can also have multiple stringers.

RoboTekno says:

I have never built a surfboard before or surfed ever in my life, but I find the building process fascinating. Do you buy a standard surfboard foam blank and then shape your self? Also is there a spine running up the center of the board?

Thanks, just curious πŸ™‚ Great work!

Laila Sarri says:

j'aime la peinture brique … elle a l'aire pale , pour le reste c super

THarosT says:

I am in love with you man <3
You really know how to make surfboards πŸ™‚

Ozeas Santana says:


wavrydrsurfgear says:

Yea, Lam resin first then sanding resin

superskim1 says:

so do u put laminating resin on top of the 4 ounce fiberglass then the sanding resin?

wavrydrsurfgear says:

Its a reyan type of rice paper. Yea I printed on my home printer.

Puha Zoid says:

Thanks mate, and what about the logo, what paper did you use? did you printed it off yourself?

wavrydrsurfgear says:

Depends what fin system you use? If before glassing use masking tape to cover the holes, when sanding the board the tape will come off.

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