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Surfboards Glassing Bottom With Color Or Swirl By Evelio Surfboards

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Reblogged 7 years ago from


Elia Fbb says:

Thank's for movie man, what kaind of cloth do you use To Glass? Cheers. Good waves to us

suomy nonami says:

You make your pin line on the deck with a pencil and a home made L shaped tool (think about it) Then you tape off the pin line (1/2inch tape bends good enough) then you tape and paper the deck. Glass the botton,but Once the resin has kicked,,, you have about 20mins before it's dry (depends on how much MEK you threw in the resin). Grab the lowest chair you have and a light and sit under the board and cut the cloths from the deck that over laps your taped pin line(run your finger or mixing stick over your pin line tape to knock off the dripping resin). You always glass the bottom first unless you have to do a reverse lap for some weird reason. THIS IS POLY, EPOXY IS ANOTHER STORY!

Fernando dos Santos says:


Salty Crew says:

There was no other song you could've chose for this vid bra

huallan nosko says:

Ozeas Santanavc e um corno q vc falou mal do chorao
ceu viado

Ozeas Santana says:

Queria ver ela finalizada, mas o trabalho é sensacional! Parabens.

manchesterunitedpro says:

you wanna make a take painters take and place the leading edge just on the pin line then press the inner side do so that the out part is sticking up a bit then do it but be careful not to use to much apoxy and paint it will get runny

Claus Andrup says:

Jackson Pollock would be proud.

William Mullis says:

how do you make the top white again?


how do you do the top if you want the swirl to stop at a pin line. Please answer

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