Surfing China’s River Wave – The “Silver Dragon”

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The “Silver Dragon” is a tidal bore on the Qiantang river in the city of Hangzhou China. Featuring Robert “Wingnut” Weaver, Mary Osborne, Everaldo “Pato” Teixeira, and Curren Caples

Thanks to Matt Wybenga! Download his film Sour Grapes Here for FREE:

Music :
Lee Hester – Love, Shout It Loud

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Reblogged 6 years ago from


shady shady TV oopsy says:

You are all dirty cunts good way to spread diseases swimming in that filthyplace

Fin Jewry says:

Whoever paired the music for this video should be shot. It’s truly more disturbing than the smiles on the surfers as they surf in the toxic waters oblivious to the dangers they are in

Anjay Hia says:

Wow amazing…
please see The stone jump atraction in my village.

Scott Eastman Eastman says:

I want to longboard.With the big girl….then make big strong babies.

David Anewman says:

How is the wave produced?

Pipito Paerata says:

More like the polluted blowfly

Up N Smoke Tacos says:

China's Toilet water

captmack007 says:

poo poo wave

-_-_-_ says:

Damnnn surfing on toxic water. Is that where the dog scraps are thrown, dirty AF

Jesse Heulitt says:

How is this happening? What’s creating that big of a wave in a river?

Nobody's Business says:

Brown water? LOL

David Ramirez says:

Surf anywhere between Redondo beach and Malibu is even dirtier. 30 plus million people's septic is pumped into the ocean daily I surfed there back in the 80s and 90s I got rashes and infections all the time. That china river is even worse. They have a billion people. Gross

john smith says:

That’s just gross..


Where this?

jom_ aca says:

You can literally float 95% of your body in that water

Kristen Maher says:

I could watch this all day ! Superb viewing. Excellent athletes! Bravo

T Love says:

Disgusting dirty water..hope you have your tetanus shots how many got sick after 🏄

cameron clark says:

I would love to surf on some really shitty water

Landon McCalmon says:

Mr. Hankey's favorite surf spot.

JoshBroChill78 says:

I got hepatitis from watching this video.

Candy Sweet says:

China is the origin of generating global cancers

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