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The Biggest Wave In The World


@Imalegendthanos_bangbangbang says:

This is fake because there’s already a world record and it looked way different and someone has never served a 115 wave before

@CactusMies says:

I thought that was lightning💀

@MattRoberts-k2j says:

I noticed the edit on my third view… 14 sec

@RentaJa says:

Thats no wave thats a tsunami

@archilis80 says:


@mackysibayan6708 says:

tsunami ✅

@thesuperbro5609 says:

The waves looks like a tsunami

@McFlurry577 says:

Bro is just casually a tsunami

@M21655 says:

Johnny tsunami

@BraydenEbanks says:

Bro has the balls to surf a tsunami 💀🙏🏻

@pemmikaheikkila1714 says:

Nah he dead not lost jk he amir

@JaspherDizon says:

If I were that man I would die

@OnlyPedosCanTagMe says:

I would get swept up but survive, trip and hit my head on the rocks and die.

@OnlyPedosCanTagMe says:

Saw it instantly.

@MahenThedlapu says:

I know the nazare tsunami

@AidenFoster-h8w says:

That is not a wave my boy surfing on a tsunami

@theamazing_goat says:

Its like that one pokemon episode

@charafdine1345 says:

This is insane idont think he could've been saved if he slipped

@GrizzlyBear5128 says:

Interstellar wave ahh shit

@javierdiaz2544 says:

"You can barely see him" him being the first thing i see😭

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