The biggest wave of the year just happen in Uluwatu, on August 30th, 2022. Bali surf

the biggest wave so far, exceeding 10 feet, was not much bigger than last month’s wave. but it looks pretty big when you look at them between the bottom and the tip, and it’s likely to be solid tomorrow. let’s see.
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Donna Williams says:

Cheers 🥂 to everyone involved with the video, capturing great surfing 🌊

WOD JISM says:

Old mate having a red hot paddle in go out there!!!! Well done son!

Adam England says:

I like sultanas. Also pistachios are nice

Bradley Naughton says:

Only Uluwatu 🙏

thanatu76 says:

Looks bigger than 10.5ft some of the sets.

Marcus Bonzee errr says:

The least crowded this place has ever been

Fernando Aquiyama says:

Sick surfing! Got me psyched for my return to indo! Thanks for sharing!

Gregory Isner says:

Does anyone know who the regular foot guy is, who took the
sketchy drop on the 4th wave? What a great surfer!

P A says:

Big? Go back and watch the late Ronnie burns treat that size & wave like 4ft waikiki.

Francisco Reto says:

biggest wave was Chacha Ibarra at Punta Lobos a few weeks ago. Ulus look amaizing to

birdmanbl says:

Perfect surf so rad👋👍

Bruno Giusti says:

Muito obrigado

Dave Schleifer says:

Ahh maybe one day real-time on the heavy wipeouts. No cuts, no editing. Beautiful playful ULU .

Hana F says:

I have lived on Oahu for 15 years. This is arguably the best place to surf in the world, but I can’t say there’s any wave quite as perfect as that wave for a long and thrilling ride.

Nick Ortcoski says:

Nice footage, thank you!

Elrond James says:

Calling that first one a measly 10ft is kinda funny ngl

Curtis Autenrieth says:

Everyone is getting hung up with rhino chasers

Sumatran Surfariis says:

Nice piece of tuberiding on that first wave!

maxime devezeau says:


Klim Bordon says:

❤Only for fans over 18 year⤵️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine CountryGirll.Space Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenno ich 4 wählen würde

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