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The Return of Brazil's Avalanche

Two minutes of bone rattling carnage, courtesy of Straya Films.

Reblogged 1 year ago from


@thorbjornandresen8276 says:

The small taehupoo

@SolSurfing says:

Brazo's need toys and floaties to surf semi big waves. And don't forget to have 0 style and claim that shit if you're Brazođź‘Ž

@brettm3431 says:

thats a mexican grandma tiny but thick and powerful

@_cohen says:

Yoooo that’s so fkin chunky let’s goooo!!!!!

@s96822 says:

Heavy reverse Teahupo

@Smedley1947 says:

It's the Cliff Notes version of Nazaré.

@cyrildowney5020 says:

Mini teahupoo. Absolutely bonkers slab.

@solomonschneider9860 says:

Absurd Commitment Award 1:04

@user-ld3be5ym2r says:

you guys are mad stifffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffys

@Vpzoe says:

That first wave forming looks prehistoric, because it probably is. Stay safe out there fellas.
And by fellas, I mean "crazy mofos". Wish I was learning about this stuff 25yrs ago.

@SilentAdventurer says:

Teaupoo style lateral wave. Heavy!

@brianquiles4350 says:

El agua se ve gorda

@Astharnatureza says:


@olsim1730 says:

Is this in Rio? aka "The Shorebreak"?

@lacarpetrondukemarriott says:

The water in Brazil looks like diarrhea.

@brisvegas859 says:

These surfers are so stupid that bravery was awarded to them. Respect

@erickvinicius1008 says:

Looks like Teahupoo

@phoenix-sound says:

The “music” is terrible

@PapawCulberson says:

I accidentally insulted my mother in law and she heard it.
I would rather try surfing this wave than go through that again – and I am not a surfer.

@patricklaurojr7427 says:

This wave looks heavy like teauppo

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