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The ultimate party waves!

Forget about your wetsuit.
What would be your outfit theme? πŸ‘‡

#surf #wipeout #fail #ocean

Reblogged 1 month ago from


@josephseed8965 says:

The iron lotus πŸͺ·

@caelan-ec9li says:

please sponsor me at knee bording

@Silverfoxx007 says:

Best panties worn by dudes ive ever seen

@bresy3793 says:

Ocean full of trash. No body cares because everyone is having a lot of fun. I drink my water in a plastic bottle and next time I hear one of these rich kids tell me I'm poluting the ocean ill tell them im in a competition for redbull.

@danielcunningham7828 says:

The skits really extreme πŸ˜…

@111-p3v4i says:

Cool way to put more cardboard and plastic in oceanπŸŽ‰ good job redbull that was totally rad !

@iBreakings says:

Took the heaviest drop πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

@jacktierney490 says:

That looked spthinal

@rogerellis6551 says:

Bondi rescue Bondi lifeguards invented this

@DSC-i5i says:

Advertise more i missed it again i guess

@codemyster1026 says:

Wrong..heaviest drop winner is my ex..hehe

@Skiingafter50 says:

Bring this to Florida

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