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The WEDGE – Biggest and Best Wipeouts!!! – Top 50!

A collection of the 50 Best (As in Worst) wipeouts from the Wedge. Surfers, bodyboarders and bodysurfers all getting supreme Smoookifications! Make sure to vote in the comments (with time mark) on who got the best wipeout!
#wedge #wipeout #surfing

Reblogged 2 years ago from


Michael Casey says:

Big thx , excellent entertainment, congrats on the time and effort,
NUF said

laurie carter says:

Nice clips man ! I'd be usin a old board out there not gonna chance breaking me 900 dollar board judging by the number of broken boards out there.

jimbo Lebowski says:

I just will never understand why ppl continuously will surf that spot knowing what it does to ppl. Not worth it at all. I understand it’s a sick big wave for bodyboarding but surfing i this shit is just masochist

Ralph Kunz says:

Thought body surfing Sharks Pits shore break in Melbourne Fla was incredible lol, this video is awesome

A. Rhoden says:

Similar to these bombs, this place gave me scars. Not just physical. Pay to play! lol 😆

System South says:

Basically where surfers go to get their meat minced 🤣

William B says:

If you can surf the Wedge u can surf almost anywhere, the good thing is there is no long hold downs, really shallow, just protect your neck!

Peter Cooney says:

Pretty funny great selection of music in slow motion reaction cheers!🌊🐳📽😎

Jordan plays Roblox says:

mad respect to the cameramen in the water they are just as gnarly as the surfers!

Shannon Sutherland says:

Was out surfing one day and dove headfirst into a sand bar. I can tell you… when you have no feeling in your neck for several hours… it is the worst feeling. You dread the worst. Luckily nothing serious happened. All sensations returned. But it taught me.. that ending up paralyzed or even in a wheelchair… can happen in seconds. Will NEVER put myself in a situation like this again.

Maria Jurema says:

Só caldo 🤣🤩

Joachim Coonan says:

I swear, I'm Going!!!!!……

S.E. C. says:

The wedge is the one wave designed for the waterman that also have some bull rider in them.


Dude i am so a beginner, i could land this kind of wipeout on a 1 meter wave

Michael Barry says:

You guys are hilarious keep up the good work. I grew up in Seal Beach hanging out with Chad Barba back in the eighties.

paul dominguez says:

Very cool video! When I was young I bodysurfed just up the coast in playa del Rey and there is absolutely no way I would have taken off on waves like this! very dangerous indeed. I might consider boogie boarding at the wedge but bodysurfing and board surfing is crazy in my humble opinion.

leon says:

I would never surive this lol

Peter Mcinnes says:

Love your smokiness!!¡!¡

caratgold says:

Reverse flipper headbutt was offff the chain :))))))) shit made me laugh hard.

אורי אשל says:

8:35 what's the point of this 2 surf?

Ryan Cecil says:

love the dudes coming out of the water with half a board and the biggest smile
so sick

Legend Entertainment says:

This was one of the best videos and of course edited videos you have never had. Pure enjoyment! Thank you!

mixie six says:

Cool vid but the crap sound effects totally ruined it. Turned it off half way thru. Let the bystanders reactions speak for themselves wankers!

Ragna The Bloodedge says:

where is that beach? what is its name?

David Gumm says:

1:48 – right on the beach is glorious!

Howard Wimshurst says:

these are made so much better with the live reaction

Wally Wally says:

How often does somebody fracture a bone there? I was at the wedge once long ago but was recovering from a bicycle crash. No way was I going to risk another broken bone so soon.

Dodged a Bullet says:

Had a patient in my care who wiped out at the Wedge…permanent quadriplegic now!

Harry Daniels says:

5 mins 20 seconds that wave was like "no no no, you dont get away from me, I shall smite you"

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