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THE WEDGE – BIGGEST WAVES in YEARS | July 4th 2020 | Raw footage

The forecast for the 4th was listed to be the biggest day in a few years. Next thing you know they announce they are closing down the beach in all of Orange County and LA. Had to risk it and go check it out. Being the first on on the sand i noticed the gates were open and it was go time.

Surfers include: Jamie O’Brien, Tyler Thornsley, Blair Conklin, Brad Domke, Sage Burke, Dawson Tylers, Dylan ZaZueta, Bobby Okvist and a lot more

Bodyboarders include: Tanner McDaniel, Craig Whetter, Cory Bolter, Chad Barba an a lot more.

#thewedge #rawfootage #hugewaves #4thofjuly #Giantwaves #wedge #raw

Reblogged 4 years ago from


Skim4Life says:

that fisherman is dumb af

Diego RZ says:

Muy buenoo!!

James Smith says:

Hey honestly fuck you for this many ads bro.

hollowpoint45acp says:

this would be a great vid if you'd shut the hell up


Hope they are ok


Hope he is ok

Pearl Marshall says:

The damaging peer-to-peer geometrically mix because actress aerobically scream till a rhetorical bugle. obtainable, tan dog

Travis Guide says:

16:18 jamie realizes how much he loves the wedge

Travis Guide says:

15:40 bliss then regret excellent wedge reality check

Travis Guide says:

13:25 harsh wipe

Travis Guide says:

8:44 jamie proves that he can put down the wedge harder than all

Shaun Diz says:

i've just been watching surf and bodyboard vids the last week. i was out on big wednesday in like 2012 and this giving me the itch to get back in the water

Joe Coonan says:

That wave at 14:59…(!!)
That was so sick…

Lucas Brites says:

Where is Wedge? It's my dream to surf there!

GuarujaBrazil says:

muito moreybooguie pqp

gyro says:

The Wedge is a worn out carnival ride. The break is no longer what it used to be decades ago. All the surfers sound like a girl when they talk. And enjoy your elected reps.

kevin costello says:

Old fishermen give no fuck!!!! Great post, TY 🙂

Josh Dawson says:

17:15 that wave and perspective is 👍🏼👌

Stephan Bennett says:

My favorite wave to watch, everyone gets a beating no matter how good they are. Great Video.

I drink Commie tears says:

4-6 foot conditions in Hawaii style

Mauka 2 Makai says:

some nice clips. can you chk my channel out?

Mr Mofo says:

Slamming on sand. That place sucks!

oldfrend says:

what was the deal with the dude getting dragged out of the water?

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