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These Surfing Moments Are Wild

(via @Tucker Wooding)
(via @Eimeo)
(via @rockismo/IG)
(via sebastiansurfs/IG)

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Reblogged 2 months ago from


@adil8541 says:

The surf is not make for German I can make only the machine and car 😂

@djsjnsbzb says:

first and last were same spot w kai lenny wiping out

@shadowfox8748 says:

Such an over the top commentary. He road the wave. Wave was big.

@neptunesdeluxe9777 says:

I lift my eyes to the mountains- Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalms 121:1-2

@Voxstukas says:

Wish I was independently wealthy.

@mxontunes375 says:

It was 93 feet

@medievalknievel says:

Love how you make it sound so casual with the narration as the dude is getting gnarled on the beating of his life lol

@Rick-d3t1b says:

My brother is a surfer

@samimoring1235 says:

stoked for the lil grom

@amremorse says:

Holy crap this is some of the worst narration. I’ve ever heard.

@slxeping6494 says:

This has gotta be AI or he just has no clue about surfing and is just saying random surf terms

@jgp1294 says:

Yeah so this wave is 110 ft…A THIRD OF THE STATUE OF LIBERTY

@Lolasherwood says:

WHAT a wave! 🌊 brave man!

@supaflip87 says:

This narration is painful.

@JoshuaBurton-o5d says:

Bro has a degree in yapenomics

@AshuraEssence says:


@kr_mayham4230 says:

That ain’t no wave! That’s a whole tsunami!!

@liamrathjen7126 says:

I’m sorry but why isn’t anyone running 😂

@hg1651 says:

You can’t compare tow in waves to other ways. It’s a completely different method

@Earthlingcrybabycherub says:

Dang I wish I could surf 😂

@Dc-10guy says:

ngl surfing is fun but surfing n your stomach is super fun

@Muppet_the_frog says:

Like what the f everyone is just standing there or it’s ai or smtn

@ThatGirlNat-Rat says:

As a German I can clarify we take the phrase go big or go home very seriously💅

@JessicaBannecker says:

More like a tsunami

@allenmaxfield1865 says:

Think I’ll pass body surfing not here I’ll take thecwedgevsnybdsy

@Daseko. says:

To everyone wondering who is the first dude, its Sebastian Steudner

@Theonlymugiwara says:

Define aura…firstclip🍷🗿

@ToeTickles says:

1st one ain’t a wave. That’s a tsunami

@GimmeThatRobuxImBrokeAf says:

Bro 115 feet isnt even close to the statue of liberty its 305 feet or 93 m

@samalmond2321 says:

The wave wasn't 115ft, you can see the official records it was like 90ft.

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