Maverick’s, in Half Moon Bay, California, is one of the surfing’s most menacing and dangerous big waves. This edit shows exactly why.
Shot and Edited by Adam Warmington
The Inertia: The Definitive Voice of Surf, Mountain, and Outdoors //
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Many thanks to Adam Warmington for making the film and thanks to The Inertia for showing it. The only sad part about the film was that it ended.
Transfixing. Gorgeous. Awe inspiring. Serene. Ty, Adam.
Most poetic surf video ever made,shockingly beautiful, touching .well done
Jeff Clark,the man,the myth the legend🤙🏻
Na… Much better srf vids out there
Wow,I agree,this is gorgeous filming
Having floatation devices built into your suit is cheating . Smoke a big fatty and confront your fears like a man . ((Just kidding , Id be shitting my pants ))
Actually truth be told just turned it off after 1.36 no good with no sound no good with music!
The film footage is awesome….had to turn the sound off, nonsense music as always.
Slow mo is so hard to watch sometimes. With raw vid you can hear the roar of the wave noise. It’s nice footage. Better than POV Hero cam with water dunking noises.
Brave dudes at Mavericks for sure. Balls. Let’s see what they did at full speed…
Cause it’s amazing
Love it…thank you.
Slow-mo+classical music = pretty? Normal speed + hard rock = ugly?
2:55 seems crazy that place has that zoo when its on…. some guys casually sitting on a 20 foot shoulder lol.
I'd be paddling my arse off scared to imagine what is possible coming behind this moving mountain….
5:50 And yeah, I'd definitely take a butt ride to safety!
Hansel could handle these waves!!
WTF? Why only show the drop? and mostly only half the drop ! total frustrating crap that destroyed the beautiful shape from perfect conditions , u r a shit editor and what pussy surfers scared of backdoor and the peak takeoff.