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Tom Forward Gets Caught Inside

Next time you’re caught inside at your local beachbreak, just think about poor Tom Forward and this nerve-racking moment some while back in West Oz.

“It was only our crew out there that day, just one team towing and Tommy swimming alone,” says filmer Cian Salmon of Thridlink Productions. “Zac Haynes got the wave before the one in the clip. When we turned around, we saw Tommy about to take an 18-footer on the head.

“He reckons he dove down and grabbed onto the bottom, felt his ears blow out, then came up seeing stars,” continues Salmon. “It’s only about 3 meters deep on the reef out there. It could have been a lot worse.”

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Reblogged 7 years ago from


Chase Koplien says:

If he was just a little more to the right he would have died

XO TourLyfe says:

He's aight the barrel didn't land on him but you still got smoked

Matthew Murray says:

Fins and no board, hes golden

Shedz Channel says:

apparently theres a 45 foot swell coming thru there from s/africa this weekend. get out ya jet-skis boys!

Banjo Caseyisfat says:

welcome to destination fucked

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