Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech) no.110 | Compare Surfboards

Modern Planing Hull Surfboard Review: This is the Tomo Surfboards Vader Review (Firewire tech). Daniel ‘Tomo’ Thomson’s latest and greatest Modern Planing Hull design, the Tomo Surfboards Vader (leveraging Firewire Surfboards construction technology) takes flight…literally.

Full Write Up:

This board is dynamite in the water. Instant acceleration, point and shoot precision – it allows me to ‘punch above my belt’ in the surf. I was pulling off manoeuvres on this Tomo Vader that usually elude me (or happen by accident…).

The latest model from the partnership between Tomo Surfboards and Firewire Surfboards, this is the first pure Tomo Surfboards branded model launched in Firewire tech…I hope the first of many!

Have you ridden the Vader? Leave a comment, hit ‘Like’ and subscribe!

Thanks again for a great 2014 and I look forward to frothing with you over some boards in 2015!

– Benny


+ See the Full Review with Complete Standard Dims, Rocker/Outline Images, Fin Setup Info., Ride Pluses/Minuses, Similar Models Comparisons and More:

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Reblogged 7 years ago from


Javier Bustinza says:

hi Benny, good review! do you have a video surfing Vader 6´2´´? thank you

Ermis Anargyros Avgoustidis says:

Hi, im a kitesurfer 85 kg on twin tip and i want a vader to learn strapless, can you help me withe size? Also which tech to choose? Lft or fst?

wires Broadband says:

Starts 1:13

Martin Buhr says:

remind me again how big you are? I have the opportunity to pick up one of these (actually, a 6'1" 43.5L just like yours), and I'm 6'5" 215lbs

Eisonhawk says:

of capital "Thank You!" for thus highly valued vast source of knowledgeable wisdom wealth pon our game sport lifestyle add master craftsman lord baron Daniel 'Tomo' Thompson's board sliding present at creation colleague's crystal clear feedback amongst the rest of 99.44% surfing universes garbo yano => in other words "…100" add maximum respect r-',

Mark Yoshida says:

Kinda confused about how to choose these boards? My reg board of choice is the CI Pod 5'8" 2 1/4 19 7/8. I'm about 5'5 138lb do you have any advice on what to get. Been surfing for about 25 yrs.

littlerubster says:

Hey Ben, How much do you weigh if you don't mind me asking. I'm riding a 6' Nano which I love but I can get a 6'2" Vader for $500. I'm 55 and 95kg. Thoughts?

Justin Osburn says:

I personally wouldn't recommend going up in size, you want to ride these around the same volume/CL as your high performance shortboard…its designed to be smaller and fit well in the pocket of the wave…if you size it right the thing rides like a skateboard and is nothing short of amazing. Going up in liters probably means that you're going up in length which is giving you more rail line…the rail lines are parallel and long for their size.  For example I ride my boards around 28CL…I ride a Vader in a 5'3" and have a CI Bunny Chow in a 5'10", both are 28 CL and have about the same length of rail line….just my 2 cents and hope that helps folks with sizing.

Ricardo Schargel says:

Hey Benny. I finally got my vader. After much thought I also went on the top end of my volume range (thanks for the insight). I got the 5'11 at 39.5 liters, it is an increase of about 2 liters from what i was riding before.
When it arrived it seemed big! Even though it's the shortest board I've ever had, i was worried it would feel clunky. The tail seemed so wide and thick, just an usual shape. Because of the wide tail i fitted it with the lost mb2 fins which are pretty big and decided to try it out as a quad on a dumpy onshore chest to head high day at my local beach break. This board really goes! The first thing i noticed was the speed. Once you set your rail it just flies! And it turns too! Very lively and fun! Didn't feel big at all. Can't wait to take it out on a big hollow day to put it through its paces. Will keep you posted. Thanks for the help!

coleberr says:

Hey Benny thanks for all the info and reviews,

Trying to make a decision between 6' Nano FST and 6' Vader LFT, I'm a passable surfer but have been spending a bunch of time on mini-mals lately just because they have proved more fun than my 6'4" whip (33.5L). Would like to get back on a fun all around short-board and the tomos seem like they would push me a bit which I like. I'm 6'4" 200lbs and my considerations are:
-Durability of LFT vs FST, I doubt my riding abilities would be enough to warrant the LFT and it seems the FST has a bit more durability especially with the balsa rails
– Displacement and stance width, I know the Nano places rocker transition, wide point, and center of mass forward of center which makes me a little nervous 
– Versatility as I will be attempting to make this my all arounder and will be handling my fair share of mooshy beach breaks and rippy Ocean Beach SF

Your thoughts would be much appreciated on the pros cons directly between the two

Noah says:

Why is it squared?

Brian Davies says:

Weird, every other outlet is saying to go smaller on dims than you normally would. How much do you weigh Benny? You don't look that big to be on a 6'1"? I heard these were originally designed to be ridden at chin height or so unless you're abnormally skinny or heavy. Just curious as I've been wanting to try one. But 1t 6'0" 195 I would aim for the 5'6"

Tyson007ian says:

Hey man, Great vid, do you think you could compare the weirdo ripper with the #4, I'm stuck as to which one to buy!

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