Unexpected wave at Big Beach, Maui

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Reblogged 7 years ago from www.youtube.com


Franco da Gama says:

very unexpected… like every 7 seconds…

Fed Reserv says:

The guy is irritating anyway.
Proud wannabe he's on Hawaii-turns out stupid.

Sharpest says:

I feel sorry for :'(

His Snake is Solid says:

Never trust the heartless sea

CPU Candidate Rom says:

I T ' S M A U I T I M E

PUFFY ADDERSON'S 'FAKE NEWS' trolling channel says:

HA HA HA!!! Idiot!!!!

Ichigo Bankai says:

ahahah stupid idiots

zein mahmoud says:

what a stupid video

Xxx Zzz says:

Nothing is more enjoyable than swimming in the waves

tallcamel42 says:

Enjoyed that beach in 2012, but you have to be very careful there. It's nickname is 'quad beach', because a number of people have become quadriplegics there!!

Koamrarl Gmuedller says:

have sharks in miami ??? how is ??

Maciek Ignatowski says:

..a shark is missing…

Mike Haggar says:

You're in the ocean baby! You're gonna diiiiiiiieeeeeee!

Tom Pinion says:

Never turn your back on mother ocean!

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