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was about to surf when suddenly a giant whale appeared❗😱


This modified or synthetic video is intended for entertainment

Reblogged 4 months ago from


@DTrainchoochoo says:

It’s so fake I thought it was for comedic affect😂

@santidahlina6909 says:

Whale don't attack when you stay away from their territory.

@916RULES says:

Cheap fake 😒 How can the water be deep enough for such a big fish who jumps so high with speed while they‘re so close to the beach?

@Smokeytokey710 says:

Lol hes in green water then it abruptly turns blue. Nice green screen edit 😂

@rozetabehaj1340 says:


@robinharris1232 says:

So fake!!!!!!

@MindTrippin-SinceBirth says:

another fake.. people have to much free time

@PamelaAtkins-pf1xt says:


@neilpemberton5523 says:

I'm sick of these fakes

@SantaHerrera-x1m says:

Increíble toma!

@maraleee9576 says:

Niemals so nah am Strand!

@Yousaymebye says:

😂😂😂 más trucho

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