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Watch Nicolas von Blottnitz Surf an Endless Barrel in Skeleton Bay

Nicolas von Blottnitz was one of the surfers competing in the inaugural Skeleton Bay Shootout on Namibia’s Skeleton Coast.

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@JohnRocha-o7z says:

Once in a 1000 that perfect swell surf etc presents itself. Nice and you were on video to boot. Success what's next?

@mrkroeger says:

He had enough time to sign the inside of that barrel…in cursive.

@jefflappin says:

He was in there so long, he's going to have to pay rent!

@RhussanSF says:

Descer no bodysurf nessa onda ia ser top!!

@claysurfer78 says:

It's even thick and throwing heavy that's unreal….

@ccaputa says:

That's a proper barrel.

@Thomas-q6e4w says:

Where's that Break

@A_Pt_9298 says:

I've never seen Skeleton Bay so perfect, and I've watched A LOT of footage of it, I thought it was a wave pool at first 👏👌

@sanokhan7638 says:

So amazing bro
100marks in 100

@sivakrishna9615 says:

Super Super

@soundguyjimmy says:

12 seconds of pure tube ride!🔥

@RodolfoUreña-r8h says:

Belleza de ola perfecta, saludos colegas desde panamá, merese un 100

@Oppo1-c3c says:

How often can it get like that in a 1 year time frame ??

@Cliff-jx4tu says:

Perfectionist heaven!

@BatakrushanaMajhi says:

Jay Jagannath 🙏

@samle9207 says:

Spent so much time in there he lost his tan.

@swibwi says:

looks a bit mushy

@paulwhitton3013 says:

Bros surfing below sea level

@muhdsuhail387 says:

Allahu Akbar

@ksrinivassrinivas7984 says:

This is very great 👍

@freefirearungujjar007 says:


@kylegreenwood469 says:

I know understand why so special he just stand there. I get better view from shore and don't have to get wet.

@ShareefK-g3z says:


@dhundirajgawade says:

Nicely edited 😂

@abdullahidrisi3953 says:

Wow yar amazing👍😍

@mosalim6547 says:

Allah Hu Akbar

@RajeshPainter-gl8vp says:

Never seen these type of Breav man ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@DattaKachi says:


@realbudgiesmugglertwohatsb2611 says:

How good is that wave looks like it very powerful too
You be spewing if you kooked
The walk back be brutal

@andrearanha7230 says:

E fake, AI é uma piscina de onda da Namíbia 😅

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