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Worst Wipeouts | Teahupoo Edition. #bigwaves #wipeout #surfing


@mekisingwane7180 says:

number 2 đŸ˜®đŸ˜®đŸ˜®

@joeadrian5060 says:

2. I heard he’s still under water.

@amirguilherme5150 says:

1 almost got yeted from the wave đŸ˜‚

@tavioco6528 says:

All of the one of the wave want to escape

@adrianshield9359 says:

Bro fell got picked up and smashed 50 mph into the reef

@geraldgwynn9383 says:

#2 looked absolutely vicious.

@debbierocheleau2432 says:

Definitely 2. Bro went over the falls fr

@roberthamlin6638 says:

Door number two. He definitely got slammed dunked or was piledrived.

@manuelitacoupon says:

The aecond one went I am Moana

@TheInfamousDom says:

Number 2 is painful straight over the falls

@Mountainbiking56 says:

Post more wipeouts videos

@NadoTheCrazyKid says:

#2 over the falls

@jjunior4275 says:

#2 for sure

@Braddah_Brans says:

2 hands down

@TheProjectBros says:

Is that ME!!!!

@potato-h1y says:

2 was definitely the worst

@SheoniX says:

Getting smashed by a wave like number 2 hurts so muchđŸ¥¶

@SheoniX says:

Rest in peace number 2đŸ’€đŸª¦

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