Bigger waves = bigger sprays ☔

Griffin Colapinto keeps shredding, no matter the wave size!

#surfing #griffincolapinto

Reblogged 2 days ago from


@KaiClutch2012 says:

Rip andy irons

@timsmith6772 says:

I like surfing head high , easier paddle back out, more reward for the effort !😂❤🎉

@ParentsShouldNotShootUpHeroinz says:

😅 😂 the repeat from 2x overhead back to ankle 🌊 😂, both proper technique

@fredd5294 says:

Head looks overhead already

@Jason-TheChad-Muska_circa1995 says:

I don't fuck with Pepsi. Strictly Cola🤙
Keep shredding brother. I'd love to know what board he's riding on the first two waves

@STEZZY5 says:

I can’t do any spray

@davidhutchison3952 says:

Everything goes better with Cola.

@surfingsandiego92109 says:

Good turns!!!

@coreyohalloran says:

What’s the second board he’s riding? @lostsurfboards

@lucascecconi258 says:

surfing will get popular again eventually.
I'm pretty sure of it

@PortalThrills says:

Sick 🔥🔥🔥

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