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Hand Shaping a Surfboard: Todd Proctor, Proctor Surfboards

Digital Surfboard Design….Todd explains his progression from handshaping to DSD

I started shaping surfboards in a shed in my grandpa’s back yard and went on to hand shaped production custom boards for 10 years; An invaluable and exciting learning process of hard work and sweat. Over time the ‘hands on’ approach of handshaping thousands of boards teaches your mind to imagine different waves and to mesh the vast array of surfboard designs to a wide variety of different surfers’ styles.

Your hands learn to create a specific shape that is going to become the synergy between wave and surfer. Hand shaping allowed me to develop the style and character of my boards.

Over time you begin to find certain designs that work like a dream; the ‘magic boards’ I like to call them.

We’ve all had them; those ones that just go insane…fast when it’s small, yet loose and holding in when it’s big; the boards that do exactly what you want them to do and when you want them to do it. Well, the busier you become hand shaping boards, the more of a toll it begins to take on you. Duplicating the proven ‘magic boards’ becomes time consuming, backbreaking work. Try holding a planer in your hands just above waist height and being on your feet all day buzzing away foam. Your back, wrists, elbows, knees and eyes start to hurt. And at the end of the day you can’t be assured every board is going to stay at that magic level you want.

Over the last 13 years I have been using the DSD System (Digital Surfboard Design). Each board is virtually designed on a CAD three-dimensional design program. I start by choosing from one of a series of proven ‘magic boards’I have on file.

These are my best handshapes (and more recent computerized modifications) developed over time through feedback from team riders, individual customers, friends and from just going surfing.

Then I adjust the length, width, thickness, rocker, rail shape/ volume, and hull contours to complement and enhance each particular surfer’s style.

Every surfer has a different way they approach a wave; the DSD system allows me to customize the board to the surfer, the type of waves they ride and the direction they want to take their surfing.

The true beauty of this system is two-fold: The shaper/ designer can spend time designing and refining boards, interacting and catering to customers. And the surfers (that simply want a great board which is dialed in specifically for them) can get consistency, quality, and record quick turnaround for their custom board.

All files are kept on a database so your ‘magic board’ can be identically replicated at any time. Let’s say your magic board is/was magic, but now you’re 10 pounds heavier and it is feeling a little small…we get your file, pull your board into the design program, add 1/16β€³ or 1/8β€³ thickness to it keeping the rest of the shape the same…Or let’s say your magic board is perfect at your local point break, but you want another board just like it but slightly looser at the beachbreaks….so….we grab your file, add a little more bend to the rocker between your feet, or a little kick out the last bit of the tail off the back fin – and there it is; perfect, fast, loose and holding in through the tight spots! ….Or let’s say you want to put this outline on that bottom curve….this same board with a flatter deck and fuller rails, or vice versa…

The capabilities of the DSD design process are limitless really and help board design to move ever forward providing us all with better boards.

I was once asked by a customer when I first started designing boards on the computer, “What about the soul man. Isn’t it like cheating?” I explained these same capabilities of the DSD system to him that I have just explained to you, and when he understood he replied,

“Wow man, that is actually more soul than soul.”

Proctor Surfboards Worldwide Custom

Reblogged 7 years ago from


Shniggit says:

That is a power tool @ 2:05, not a hand tool. What is it? A planar? Do I need one to do this or is there a cheaper hand tool I can use? I'm also wondering if this is some special kind of foam or if I can use just any foam as long as I coat in in fiberglass. I want to try this but I want to spend as little as possible and being as it's my first time I don't really care if it turns out kinda crappy.

Gareth Dowle says:

That's about it really. Surform, sandpaper and block, planer, pencil, fine toothed handsaw, tape measure.

Nick W says:

what are the dimesions

Colin Mulligan says:

sick man any tips ofr some one starting out like what tools do i neep other than a planer and a sanding block and a saw

Surf Squad says:

thanks man πŸ™‚

John holloway says:

I feel so blessed that my neighbor profesionally shaped for over ten years and is now showing me the ropes. Ive got three blanks in the shed that im gonna tackle soon. I cant wait to have me a nice new longboard that I made myself.

John holloway says:

This is really the standard in surfboard shaping. Generally its a polyurethane foam with a wooden stringer from nose to tail. They're covered with fiberglass matting top and bottom and then a polyester or similar type of resin. Alot of newer designs utilize eps foam and epoxy resin which I dont like as much. Some prefer it some dont.

Cody Rauscher says:

iv always been interested in shaping and finally said why not, im about to shape my first board. if i fail, oh well it will be fun and there WILL be more chances. if i succeed, even better:)

illusion887 says:

you posted this on my birthday and i love surfing… this was meant to be!!

Surf Squad says:

what are the boards made of?

Jackson Hinkle says:

1:26 spider man!!!

Dave Verrall says:

nice.. finally see someone know what they are doing to make a world class shape.. after shaping for 20 years myself its a cool to see someone with a very similar method but worlds apart in distance…

SKP123 says:

that was awesome!!! how long have you been shaping

voodookook says:

Well there goes the last Clark Foam blank in the World!!!

Ronnie Dylan says:

Bravo. A true craftsmen.

IGcolin says:

@elserver593 mine was from a black silicone also and it came with his "superglue" glue. so using a fast glue i think is ok.

IGcolin says:

@elserver593 nose protector u mean? it came with a glue for epoxy /poly.

Nicki Mayes says:

my dad is friends with todd hes sick!

luizandreola says:

Blanks Clarkfoam!!! Does it exist yet?

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