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Invisible Surfboards Are Taking Over

Floater – So the story goes… a group of surfers in California have been working on perfecting the ability to ride waves without surfboards. Here are some of their exploits. From director Foster Huntington & support from Poler –

Reblogged 7 years ago from


808 Flip says:

What if you get hit and your board goes flying how you gonna find it

JJ Productions says:

Green screen surf board

Surfing Zack says:

Great video

Ramalo Turner says:

I can do that…hold my green screen

3gen ProVid says:

Just send me $500 for the board and I will send the matching invisible receipt.

oskar rozwadowski says:

this is photoshop

Angie Gomez says:

whoopty fuckin dooo

J R says:

How f***ing cool would that be tho ryeet?!

Ben Sommer says:

How dey do dis

NSCA12 says:

No trickery, just REALLY BIG FEET!!!

Charlie Dickson says:

what happens if you wipeout. how do you find the board

Aeronautics Addict says:

Thats cute. Someone discovered computer editing.

Hineskitt Velvett says:

Yeah Right!

Savalias Edwards says:

What's the song??? Anyone?

PerryPing says:

Hmm I can't find those at store… Probably sold out.

Alex DeShetler says:

I need answers

RedPanda FPV says:

So rad. Looks like a video game glitch

Anthony Giangaspro says:

Honestly this is the most accurate representation of what surfing feels like to me

SkyFreak says:

what is that

Chase Thompson says:

That dog was like a mini lion

josiah sanchez says:

But wait! If you order now, it'll also come with the invisible girlfriend too!!!

Tyty 808 says:

They edit the surfboard out

Finnean says:

Lol. That beats all the shit I see in the movies. I kinda got that it was CGI from the reflections on the waves and the slight blurriness around the area of the board, but this stuff is insane.

iBuy TooMuch says:

That must be a bitch to find

Time Machine says:

If anyone was wondering you can see the blur a little bit at 1:12

Laughing Joker says:

He looks like a isis

Mattia Mangiardi says:

Just a green surfboard

Unbox Flix says:

I was too busy looking at the naked girl!

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