Surf Lakes – Australia’s First Man-made Surfing Wave Pool

Sitting in the middle of this manmade lake in Queensland Australia, sits a giant machine that creates waves designed for surfing.

Using compressed air, it’s pushed upwards, when dropped, it’s shape displaces a perfect ring of water that travels outwards, until hitting several manmade reefs, creating different height surfing waves.

Visitors can choose between 5 different areas and wave types, such as a gentle rolling waves for beginner surfers, all the way up to fast and demanding waves for expert and pro surfers, they even have waves specifically design for bodyborders.

According to Surf lakes, the system allows for up to 200 surfers and learners each hour. It’s the largest surf lagoon on the planet with its 80 megaliters of water volume.

► 5 Waves World Firsts

♦ Simultaneous wave types: 5 types of waves, each of which vary in difficulty, size, length and shape, at the same time

♦ Most breaks in a wavepool: 10 separate waves (4 left and 4 right reef breaks) plus 2 beginner waves

♦ Largest surfing lagoon in the world: Water volume 80 megalitres

♦ Largest wave face height: Up to 2.4m face height. 2.2m achieved at mid-level prototype testing

♦ Highest wave productivity: At full commercial capacity, 5 Waves will be able to produce over 2,400 waves per hour, allowing up to 240 surfers in the lake at the same time, all catching 10 waves per hour

Thanks for watching



► Surf Lakes Website –

► Surf Lakes Youtube Channel –

★ Original Video 1 –

★ Original Video 2 –

► Stab Magazine Youtube Channel –

★ Original Video –


► Wonder World Twitter –

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★★ NOTE: Please do not ask for permission to use footage in this video, or the whole video itself, as the ownership of all footage remains that of the owners who gave me permission to use it. If you want to use any of the footage click on the links above and seek permission from the owners.

Reblogged 3 years ago from


Le Woos R4 Hair Growth Oil says:

Place hills on the floor of that thing to make larger waves.

Silliness4U says:

Great idea making the waves as a ring. More economical. They just need to put it where there’s no Crocs.

Read More says:

only 17 million $$$ and it's yours

Ida hoe says:

that looks terrifying

Hék says:

Ummmm, not sure, I miss sharks.

AckzaTV says:

Giant Zelda Rupee

Adam R says:

With relatively minor modifications, and placed in water with natural waves or tides, this could be a great method to generate electric power.

Alicia Gajo Buenaventura says:

Brad Newton

SpyGlass YT says:

Can that thing squish people?

AKA SGSVirgil says:

Are the crocks and white pointers extra?? Asking for a friend………

Fred Herrman says:

Me say, “That’s cool!”

Nicolette Hubbard says:

i want to go

•pastel dragons• says:

Here at Hawaii would be cool but we have waves

Lobot says:

MASSIVE submechanophobia

Alexy yyy says:

Are sure there are no Crocs in that Lake ?

Helicrete Sydney says:

As a kid I used to go to OCEAN PARK in HK and the wave pool put out similar size waves to this over 30 years ago!

herry valiant says:

Just put some bomb into the water

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